

Abbreviation Meaning
bc boundary condition
dof degree of freedom
FD finite differences
FEA finite element analysis
FEM finite element method
FYS Fourier expansion based yield surface
GP Gauss point
HardIsoLin linear isotropic hardening
HardIsoNonlin nonlinear isotropic hardening
HardKinLin linear kinematic hardening
HardMix mixed isotropic and kinematic hardening
HardMixLin linear mixed isotropic and kinematic hardening
notan no elasto-plastic consistent tangent modulus computation
NR Newton-Raphson
mex MATLAB executable
opt optimization (inverse problem)
UT uniaxial tension
UTC uniaxial tension followed by uniaxial compression
VAF Voce and Armstrong-Frederick hardening
VEVP viscoelastic-viscoplastic


Variable Meaning
C stiffness matrix
CPlaneStress stiffness matrix under plane stress
CC elasto-plastic consistent tangent modulus
epsilonV strain in Voigt notation
epsilonVp plastic strain in Voigt notation
epsilonVp_prev plastic strain at previous time/load step in Voigt notation
fun objective function
fun_vec objective function components gathered in a vector
in input parameters
S compliance matrix
SPlaneStress compliance matrix under plane stress
sigmaV stress in Voigt notation