OPT_INPUT_RATEDEPENDENT - provides elementary definitions needed for the optimization problem


Please make sure that the correct path to the FEM data is specified.

Input Arguments


Output Arguments

in (struct) - contains information needed for the optimization problem

in.use_mex (logical) - specifies if .mex file is used for the cost evaluation

in.n_workers (double) - number of workers used for the parallel optimization

in.datafile (char) - filename of the FEM dataset

in.noise_level (char) - noise level to be considered (e.g., in.noise_level='', in.noise_level='1', in.noise_level='3', in.noise_level='5')

in.filter (char) - temporal data smoothing method (e.g., in.filter='' for no smoothing, in.filter='sgolay' for Savitzky-Golay smoothing)

in.filter_length (double) - specifies the moving window length for the temporal smoothing

in.library (obj) - model library

in.q_case (double) - specifies which norm to use during cost function calculation (e.g. in.q_case=0 for L2-norm)

in.q (double) - specifies which norm to use during cost function calculation (e.g. in.q=2 for L2-norm)

in.lambda_r (double) - weighting factor for net reaction force contributions

in.lambda_p (double) - weighting factor for the sparsity promoting regularization term

in.p (double) - specifies which norm to use for the sparsity promoting regularization

in.lambda_p_factor (double) - lambda_p is multiplied by this factor to obtain solutions for different lambda_p

in.n_lambda_p (double) - number of different values of lambda_p to be considered

in.n_eval (double) - evaluate cost for every n_eval-th load step

in.method (char) - method used for optimization

in.preconditioner (char) - preconditioner used for optimization

in.preconditioner_2 (char) - preconditioner used for optimization

in.batch_ratio (char) - ratio defining how to split the data into two batches

in.MaxFunEvals (double) - maximum minimization function evaluations during each optimization process

in.TolFun (double) - stopping criterion for optimization process based on minimization function value

in.TolX (double) - stopping criterion for optimization process based on solution values

in.MaxTime (double) - maximimum runtime of an optimization process

in.theta_init (double) - initial guess for the parameters

in.n_guess (double) - number of random initial guesses

in.perturbation_guess_theta (double) - specifies the magnitude of perturbation applied to the preconditioning solution for generating random initial guesses

in.save_path (char) - path for saving results