DEF_OBJECTIVE_VEC_HARDMIXVAF - creates an objective function handle


This function creates an objective function handle. The function handle takes the material parameters as input. Note that the function handle does not return a scalar but a vector. The Matlab build-in optimizer (e.g., lsqnonlin) minimizes the sum of squared entries of this vector.

A Matlab executable file (.mex file) may be used to accelerate the objective function evaluation.

Input Arguments

in (struct) - see opt_input documentation

data (struct) - FEM data

data.results.u (double) - displacement data for every load step (every column corresponds to one load step)

data.results.reaction (double) - reaction force data for every load step

data.algorithm.n_NR_local (double) - maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations used for solving the local problem (return mapping algorithm)

data.algorithm.tol_NR_local (double) - stopping tolerance for the Newton-Raphson iteration used for solving the local problem (return mapping algorithm)

data.mesh.n_dof (double) - number of degrees of freedom in the mesh

data.mesh.dof (double) - degrees of freedom

data.mesh.n_element (double) - number of finite elements in the mesh

data.mesh.n_dof_per_element (double) - number of degrees of freedom per finite element

data.mesh.element_dof (double) - degrees of freedom at each finite element element (each row provides all degrees of freedom at the corresponding finite element)

data.mesh.Gauss_weights (double) - Gaussian quadrature weights

data.mesh.n_Gauss_per_dim (double) - number of Gauss points per dimension

data.mesh.detJ_GP (double) - determinant of the Jacobian at each Gauss point needed for mapping integrals between the reference and physical finite element

data.mesh.B_GP (double) - help matrix at each Gauss point needed for calculating shape function derivatives

data.bc.dof_fix (double) - fixed degrees of freedom

data.bc.dof_displacement (double) - free degrees of freedom

data.bc.dof_reaction (double) - degrees of freedom corresponding to reaction forces

Output Arguments

fun_vec (function_handle) - objective function handle