
Apply the threshold algorithm to the given linear system to enforce sparsity on the solution vector theta.

Input Arguments

  • LHS - left hand side of symmetric linear system

  • RHS - right hand side of symmetric linear system

  • theta - material parameters

  • c - see config

Output Arguments

  • theta - material parameters


Double contraction in Voigt notation.

Input Arguments

  • A - vector containing components of a 2x2 matrix ([A_11 A_12 A_21 A_22])

  • B - vector containing components of a 2x2 matrix ([B_11 B_12 B_21 B_22])

Output Arguments

  • C - scalar value of the double contraction


Compute the Lp-regularization term for a given vector.

Input Arguments

  • vector

  • p - type of the Lp-regularization term

Output Arguments

  • norm