

Compute right Cauchy-Green strain tensor from deformation gradient.

Input Arguments

  • F - deformation gradient in Voigt notation

Output Arguments

  • C - Cauchy-Green strain tensor in Voigt notation


Compute Jacobian from deformation gradient.

Input Arguments

  • F - deformation gradient in Voigt notation

Output Arguments

  • J - Jacobian


Compute derivatives of the invariants of the Cauchy-Green strain tensor with respect to the deformation gradient. Plane strain is assumed.

Input Arguments

  • F - deformation gradient in Voigt notation

  • i - specify the invariant that should be differentiated- I1, I2, I3, Ia or Ib

  • secondDerivative - specify if second derivative should be computed

Output Arguments

  • dIdF - derivative (note that the size of dIdF depends on the choice of secondDerivative)


Compute invariants of the Cauchy-Green strain tensor. Plane strain is assumed.

Input Arguments

  • C - Cauchy-Green strain tensor in Voigt notation

Output Arguments

  • I1 - 1st invariant

  • I2 - 2nd invariant

  • I3 - 3rd invariant

getStrainPathDeformationGradient(strain_path, gamma_steps, gamma):

Generate deformation gradients based on a given strain path.

Input Arguments

  • strain path - A two letter string defining one of the elementary strain strain_paths
  • gamma - Gamma loading parameter for the deformation gradient.
  • gamma steps - Specifies how many steps should be taken from F(gamma=0) to F(gamma=gamma)

Output Arguments

  • F - Deformation gradient in Voigt notation.

  • x-label - Label for plotting