This file contains scripts to evaluate trained ICNN models and visualize their performances.

evaluate_icnn(model, fem_material, noise_level, plot_quantities, output_dir):

Evaluates the trained model along six deformation paths and compares it to the ground truth model.

Input arguments:

  • model - Trained model class instance.
  • fem_material - String specifying the name of the hidden material
  • noise_level - Possible arguments:{low,high}
  • plot_quantities - Possible arguments: {W,P}. Defined in
  • output_dir - Output directory name (defined in

Output arguments:

  • Plot(s) will be saved evaluating the performance of ICNN-based model against the ground truth model of fem_material along six deformation paths.


Computes the strain energy density according to Ansatz (Eq. 8) using the trained model instance inside evaluate_icnn() function call.

Input arguments:

  • F - Deformation gradient F in form (F11,F12,F21,F22)

Output arguments:

  • W - Strain energy density according to Ansatz (Eq. 8)


Computes the strain energy densities given the strains using the analytical description of benchmark hyperelastic material models.

Input arguments:

  • fem_material - String containing the name of the benchmark hyperelastic material.
  • J - Jacobian of Cauchy-Green deformation matrix.
  • C - Cauchy-Green deformation matrix.
  • I1 - 1st invariant of Cauchy-Green deformation matrix.
  • I2 - 2nd invariant of Cauchy-Green deformation matrix.
  • I3 - 3rd invariant of Cauchy-Green deformation matrix.

Output arguments:

  • W - Strain energy density of the specified material for the given strain.