This file contains the hyper- and training parameters of the ICNN for learning the hidden material model using the NN-EUCLID framework. Table A.1 in the paper discusses these parameters.

Hyper- and training parameters

Parameter Description
ensemble_size Number of ICNNs in the ensemble
random_init Randomly initialize weights and biases of ICNNs using xavier_uniform
n_input Default = 3, i.e., the three principal invariants.
n_output Default = 1, i.e., the strain energy density.
n_hidden List of number of neurons for each hidden layer.
use_dropout Use dropout in ICNN architecture.
dropout_rate Dropout probability.
use_sftpSquared Use squared softplus activation for the hidden layers.
scaling_sftpSq Scale the output after squared softplus activation to mitigate exploding gradients.
opt_method Specify the NN optimizer.
epochs Number of epochs to train the ICNN
lr_schedule Choose a learning rate scheduler to improve convergence and performance.
eqb_loss_factor Factor to scale the force residuals at the free DoFs.
reaction_loss_factor Factor to scale the force residuals at the fixed DoFs.
verbose_frequency Prints the training progress every \(n^{th}\) (\(n=\)verbose_frequency) epoch.

Plotting parameters

Parameter Description
plot_quantities Which quantities to evaluate and plot.
strain_paths Which strain paths to evaluate and plot.
lw_truth Linewidth of the true strain energy density response.
lw_best Linewidth of the strain energy response of accepted models.
lw_worst Linewidth of the strain energy response of rejected models.
color_truth Color for the true strain energy reponse
color_best Color for the strain energy response of accepted models.
color_worst Color for the strain energy response of rejected models.
alpha_best Opacity of the line for the accepted models.
alpha_worst Opacity of the line for the rejected models.
g_min, g_max Range of the loading parameter gamma.
gamma_steps How many loading steps to take.
remove_ensemble_outliers If categorization into accepted and rejected should be made.
accept_ratio Defines loss range in which accepted models fall into.
fs fontsize